Biden Accuser Tara Reade is Now a Russian Propagandist
Following her sexual assault allegations, Reade has become a talking head for the Russian government, despite her previous claim that her fondness for Russia was solely due to her interest in a novel.

In the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election, Tara Reade's accusations of sexual assault against Joe Biden captured national attention. However, her story was not without controversy. As it evolved over time, and in light of Reade's previous compliments towards Biden for his work on women's issues (including domestic abuse legislation and his work to help sexual assault survivors), many people questioned the veracity of her claims. While it is crucial to take all allegations of sexual assault seriously, it is also important for the media to conduct a thorough investigation and present all perspectives. Every woman deserves to be heard, but media outlets have a responsibility to report the facts transparently and without bias.

Rather than delving into the intricacies of Tara Reade's fluctuating account of events or her controversial past, this article will mostly focus on her curious and concerning intermittent preoccupation with Vladimir Putin and Russia.
Reade's Peculiar Sporadic Obsession with Putin and Russia
There are countless individuals residing in America who may align themselves with Russia in the ongoing Ukrainian conflict, and many others who may believe, for various reasons, that Putin is an effective leader. While it is their prerogative to hold such opinions, it is equally within our rights to disagree.
However, in the case of Tara Reade, her fixation on Putin and Russia raises red flags. Her opinions seem to vacillate depending on what serves her narrative in her Joe Biden sexual assault story, rather than being grounded in any principled stance. It is not her admiration for Putin's shirtless photos that is cause for concern (she actually wrote a story about them), but the apparent inconsistency and opportunism underlying her perspective.
To begin our examination of Reade's Russian connections, it is helpful to establish a timeline of key events. We can divide her history into four distinct periods which we will cover in much more depth below:
Pro-Biden & Anti-Putin/Russia Era (1992 - 2017): During this period, Reade spoke highly of Biden, praising his efforts to combat domestic violence and his advocacy for victims of sexual abuse. Simultaneously, she was deeply critical of Russia and its leader, Putin.
Pro-Putin/Russia Era & Beginning Stages of Biden Allegations (2018 - March 2020): During this period, Reade made some inexplicable changes to her previous accounts, asserting that she had always harbored a fondness for Russia. Concurrently, she began to level accusations against Joe Biden.
Anti-Putin Era (March 2020 - 2021): When Reade was pressed about her fixation with Russia, which began to undermine her accusations against Joe Biden, particularly following US intelligence alerts about Russia's potential efforts to disseminate false information ahead of the 2020 election, she declared that she only developed an affinity for Putin in 2018. However, Reade changed her tune and stated that she no longer holds Putin in high esteem after learning about his stance on domestic violence.
Pro-Putin/Russia Era (2021 - current): After the conclusion of the 2020 election, and within months of Reade's assertion of her diminished admiration for Putin, she suddenly rekindles her fascination with Russia and Putin. Concurrently, Russia makes a push to persuade the United Nations to allow Reade to address the UN Security Council. She also becomes a writer for Russian state-run media outlet
Tara Reade’s Pro-Biden and Anti-Putin Era
Between 1992 and 2017, Tara Reade appeared to hold two firm convictions. Firstly, she supported left-leaning views on societal matters, which included outwardly supporting her previous employer, Joe Biden, and expressing disappointment with Donald Trump. Secondly, she held a resolute opposition to the Russian government and its leader, Vladimir Putin.
For example, Reade hit the like or retweet button on the below Tweets emphasizing Biden’s strong stance to protect women from sexual assault.

On a now-inactive Twitter account, Reade frequently shared posts that accused Russia of interfering in the US election. She also showed her support for left-wing politicians and news articles that discussed Putin's covert attempts to harm the US through election interference. Simultaneously, Reade endorsed posts that praised Biden, Obama, and Hillary Clinton.

Additionally, in January of 2017, Reade retweeted an attack by Chelsea Handler on Russia’s government for decriminalizing domestic violence.
There are literally dozens of tweets you can find that Reade took a liking too, all condemning Putin and the Russian government or defending and celebrating notable Democrats like Joe Biden.
Then things suddenly changed, for the first of several times.
Tara Reade Suddenly Becomes Pro-Putin As She Also Begins Accusing Biden of Sexual Misconduct
In 2018, something changed Reade’s mind about the Russian government and President Vladimir Putin. Some of the first signs of her suddenly pro-Russia stance came in the form of a blog post she wrote and has since deleted, entitled “Bring on the Light.” The December 2018 post has the following quotes:
What if I told you that everything you learned about Russia was wrong? What if I told you as an American citizen, we have been fed propaganda to further a certain political American agenda? What if I told you actually we are “the bad guys” ? That we were on the wrong side of history?
Abruptly, Reade shifts her stance from criticizing Russia and its government to sounding like a mouthpiece for Putin's propaganda machine. She goes from being severely critical of Vladimir Putin to portraying him in a positive light.
President Putin scares the power elite in America because he is a compassionate, caring, visionary leader. President Putin has higher approval ratings in America then the American President. President Putin is beloved by Russia and he not going anywhere. Instead of being ensnared in the recent political intrigues (and America is trying hard to set that trap). President Putin is keeping a calm focus on his own country’s development and future, without America.
It gets even more bizarre though. In an article entitled “Why a Liberal Democrat Supports Vladimir Putin,” Reade appears to perceive Putin as an affectionate character who women find “intoxicating.”
”President Putin has an alluring combination of strength with gentleness. His sensuous image projects his love for life, the embodiment of grace while facing adversity. It is evident that he loves his country, his people and his job.”
She continues,
“President Putin’s obvious reverence for women, children and animals, and his ability with sports is intoxicating to American women”
Merely a year prior, Reade was criticizing Putin and the Russian government for decriminalizing domestic violence. However, now her opinion has completely reversed.
“I say, ‘Well, he is very good to women, holds them in high regard.’
In 2019, Tara Reade’s stance on Biden also began to change, first with accusations of sexual harassment and then changing those accusations to sexual assault. This came after she had spent much time prior to 2019 praising Biden for all of the phenomenal work he had done to help women in cases of domestic abuse and sexual assault.
In January of 2020, Reade wrote that she was telling her story because of a picture the media has drawn conveying Joe Biden as a “champion of women’s rights.”
The reason I am writing about it is the hypocrisy that Biden is supposed to be the champion of women’s rights. Also, watch how the media coddles him.
Although she currently criticizes the notion of Biden being a champion of women's rights as hypocritical, it's worth noting that in 2017 she retweeted numerous posts that portrayed him in this role.
Tara Reade Again Becomes Anti-Putin, When Questioned By The Media
It wasn’t long after Reade began making her accusations against Joe Biden that the media started questioning her peculiar fixation on Russia.
During a March 2020 interview with Vox News, Tara Reade explained that she had praised Vladimir Putin only in 2018 and 2019 because she had been watching "a bunch of Noam Chomsky" and was working on a novel set in Russia during that period.
She told BuzzFeed that same month she had changed her views about Putin after reading writers such as Julia Ioffe and Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny.
Also in April of 2019, Reade, in explaining her praise for Putin and Russia, wrote:
I am in a creative writing group and in writing a novel, the poetry is part of the novel and the blogs because I watch and read a lot of Noam Chomsky.
Reade, who had written about being a victim of domestic abuse in 2009, informed Vox News that she no longer holds the same views about Putin as she did in 2018-2019 because she has gained more knowledge about domestic violence in Russia.
However, evidence indicates that Reade was already aware of Russia's stance on domestic violence a year before her writings. In January 2017, as you recall, she retweeted and "liked" a tweet by Chelsea Handler that condemned Russia's inhumane handling of domestic violence.
In the now-deleted article "Bring on the Light," which Reade wrote in December 2018, she stated that she had left politics in Washington DC decades ago due to her dissatisfaction with American imperialism and her love for Russia.
However, her statement to Vox News that she only praised Putin and Russia in 2018-19 because she was "watching Noam Chomsky" contradicts her previous claim in 2018 that she had always loved Russia since leaving Washington DC over a decade ago.
This claim also conflicts with her tweets from 2017, in which she was attacking Putin and Russia.
It wasn’t long, however, that Reade tried to sell this narrative that her Russia and Putin obsessions were just short-lived fantasies. Just a few months later she was back on Twitter spreading Russian propaganda, but this time with obvious support from Russia.
Tara Reade Again Becomes a Russian Propaganda Mouth Peace
Beginning in 2021, around the time that Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump and the media attention surrounding Reade’s sexual assault allegations subsided, she again began pushing Russian propaganda, this time seemingly with the approval of the Russian government. First she started a writing gig with Russian state-run media outlet
Then, late last year, the Russian delegation to the United Nations, literally handpicked Reade to speak before the U.N. Security Council about American weapons being sent to Ukraine. Fortunately the U.N. rejected Russia’s request based on what they called Reade’s lack of “relevance and appropriateness.”
To this day, Reade persists in promoting Russian propaganda through her Twitter account and podcast, "The Politics of Survival." In her podcast, she conducts interviews with pro-Russian propagandists and officials from the Russian government, including Dmitry Polyanskiy, the Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations.
Other guests on her podcast have included the chairman of the African People’s Socialist Party, Omali Yeshitela. Yeshitela’s Florida home was raided by the FBI back in July of 2022 as part of an investigation into a Russian influence campaign.
Johnny Miller is another man who has been a guest on Reade’s podcast. He is a known Russian propagandist who works for the Iranian state-owned English-language TV station Press-TV.

It doesn’t end there, however. She has also interviewed Maria Butina, a woman who pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 18 months in prison for working as an unregistered Russian agent within in the United States. Then there was the Russian national, Mira Terada, whom she interviewed after Terada was sentenced to 30 months in prison in the US on charges of money laundering. Her list of interviewees include several other writers for the Russian State-run media outlet as well. She has even had Garland Nixon, a radio host for the Russian-run radio network, Radio Sputnik, on her show. Literally over 85% of her guests are tied to Russia or Russian propaganda in some way.
The Question Remains
It is puzzling why Tara Reade has become such a vocal promoter of Russian propaganda. Her apparent support for Russia coincides with the period when she transitioned from a Biden supporter to his accuser. She has also been accused of misleading the media about her supposed admiration for Putin. These circumstances raise questions about whether Russia may be involved in Reade's activities. While it is unclear whether she could be an unregistered agent of Russia, given her associations with certain individuals, it cannot be ruled out entirely. At this time, however, we lack sufficient information to answer this question definitively.
Note: Tara Reade’s Attempts at Intimidation
During our investigation, Tara Reade made baseless allegations on Twitter, defaming our team by accusing us of being Democratic operatives who had relentlessly harassed and threatened her and her family. She went so far as to claim that we had hacked her and that there were police reports to back up her claims. When asked by individuals on a Twitter spaces room to produce these reports, Reade initially stated that she didn't have physical copies but later claimed that she had a recording of our team making threats. She promised to release it publicly, but when pressed to do so, failed to follow through on her promise.
Once again, Biden defenders were correct in supposing she seemed strangely Russiacentric following withdrawal of her suit. Guess now it’s more or less confirmed what that was all about and whom the theatrics were really for. Just add it to the tick list of all those Russian people and things oddly surrounding Trump’s presence on the national, then world stage. Including his inauguration if you’ll remember (not to change the subject...).
You're readin' my mind.