Last Night President Biden attended the White House Correspondents' Dinner, and his alter ego followed behind... 'Dark Brandon'.
No matter what side of the political spectrum you are on, the entire story behind the Dark Brandon meme is a pretty historical, and hilarious one. Social media users literally took the viral "Let's Go Brandon" meme, flipped it around, by merging "Brandon" with "Dark MAGA" memes, and then had the President of the United States adopt the spirit of that new meme. Let's take a look at what led to all of this.
History of "Let's Go Brandon":
It all started at a NASCAR race in Alabama, where driver Brandon Brown won his first Xfinity Series. But it wasn't just his victory that had the crowd hyped - they were chanting something that the reporter initially mistook for "Let's go, Brandon!".
But as the chants grew louder and more intense, it became clear that they were actually saying something a little more... colorful. Yup, you guessed it - they were dropping some serious F-bombs aimed at President Joe Biden.
Dark MAGA?
Newsweek describe Dark MAGA as the following: “More of a meme than a political slogan, Dark MAGA is a post-alt-right aesthetic that promotes an authoritarian version of Trump in dystopian, Terminator-like images. In some, the Trump Tower is painted entirely in black and the former president is seen piercing through the screen with blue laser eyes.”
History of Humor at the White House Correspondents' Dinner:
This annual shindig is a chance for journalists, celebs, and politicians to come together and celebrate the freedom of the press. And, of course, to make some killer jokes.
Back in 1981, President Ronald Reagan brought the house down with his hilarious take on the assassination attempt that had been made on him earlier that year. Talk about making a dramatic entrance!
But not all presidents have been so game for the comedic side of things. Take Donald Trump, for example - he gave the whole thing the cold shoulder, claiming that the media was biased against him. Boo, hiss!
The White House Correspondents' Dinner is an important tradition that reminds us of the vital role that the press plays in keeping our politicians honest. Plus, who doesn't love a good laugh at the expense of those in power?
Regardless of what side of the political spectrum you may fall on, I think most of us can agree that the dinner is a light-hearted way to celebrate America's free press with some humor and fun.