Hunter Biden's Laptop: BOMBSHELL Accusations Shed Light on Trump's Plot to Obtain Kompromat
The Untold Story Surrounding Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani’s Alleged Attempts to Obtain Hunter Biden’s Laptop.
On March 20, 2023, former Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas joined the Roundtable Twitter Space event, hosted by Mario Nawfal, to discuss the role he played in Donald Trump and Rudy Guiliani’s attempts to obtain Hunter Biden’s laptop.
In the latest development surrounding the controversial laptop purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden, Parnas came forward with new information about their efforts to obtain it. Parnas, who worked for Giuliani from 2017 to 2019, claims that Giuliani knew about the laptop well before it was discovered in Delaware, and that Trump and Giuliani sent him to Ukraine to actively try to retrieve it, as well as dig up dirt on Hunter Biden.
"The truth will come out soon because Giuliani knew all about it way before it was ever discovered in Delaware. I have the receipts," Parnas said about the laptop.
According to Parnas, he and Giuliani were dining at Cipriani's restaurant in 2019, over a year and a half before the Hunter Biden laptop was turned over to the NY Post. During this meeting, a Russian asset who had been working with Giuliani for 15 years approached them with information that the Russian Intelligence Agency, the FSB, and the Founder of Burisma, Mykola Zlochevsky, had stolen Hunter Biden's computer while he was in Kazakhstan. They were told that the FSB had taken all the information from it. Parnas said this Russian asset told them there was incriminating material on the laptop and that it was being used as kompromat, or damaging information, against Hunter Biden.
"We were told in June 2019 at a meeting in Cipriani's that Hunter Biden was fed drugs, given prostitutes, in Kazakhstan while he was there, supposedly to meet a minister in Kazakhstan, and his computer was taken by the FSB and Zlochevsky" Parnas said. "Those were the two different entities that had that hard drive."
Parnas, however, said he did not know if all the information on the hard drive was accurate or if it had been planted. He also claimed that he had never seen the physical computer and that he was told about the incriminating material on it by the Russian asset whom he said he could not name at this point in time.
As per Lev Parnas, Rudy Giuliani, along with Parnas, his associate Igor Fruman, and a Russian asset, made efforts to obtain the hard drive after learning about the laptop. Parnas claimed that they were ready to board a plane headed for Vienna to retrieve the laptop when he and Fruman were taken into custody in October 2019. Giuliani was slated to accompany them on the trip, but cancelled at the eleventh hour. Nonetheless, it seems that Giuliani travelled to Vienna around the same time, as he had reportedly told The Atlantic's Elaina Plott Calabro that he was flying to the Austrian city on the night Parnas and Fruman were arrested. In a subsequent conversation with Calabro, Giuliani asserted that Parnas and Fruman were traveling to Vienna on matters "related to their business" but denied having any business with them in the city. It is unknown if Giuliani accomplished his alleged goal and obtained the laptop during this trip in 2019.
A year later, in October 2020, Giuliani turned over the laptop's hard drive to the New York Post, prompting a political firestorm just weeks before the presidential election.
Lev Parnas conceded that certain data stored on the laptop was indeed authentic, but he posited that a portion of it could have been surreptitiously planted by the FSB. Given the revelations that both Mr. Giuliani and former President Trump were endeavoring to acquire the device once learning that it contained Russian kompromat, along with the knowledge that they were privy to this intelligence a full 18 months prior to Mr. Giuliani's disclosure of its contents to the New York Post, Mr. Parnas maintains that the validity of the information is questionable.
The story doesn’t end there, however. After his arrest, Parnas, said his perspective changed on Trump and Giuliani, when he found himself sitting in a jail cell.
"I had an epiphany when I was sitting in a cell in Alexandria, Virginia, and all of a sudden in the middle of the night I got a postcard from the White House slipped under my door from Giuliani and Trump, which I have and which I will produce when the time is right," Parnas said.
The postcard had a message for Parnas, who at the time was 100% a Trump supporter. According him, the postcard conveyed a message advising him to remain silent and assured him he would be OK.
"I wasn’t even allowed to have a piece of paper [in jail], and then all of a sudden in the middle of the night I got a postcard, postmarked, stamped from the White House," Parnas said.
Parnas claimed that the postcard was followed up by a visit from John Dowd, Trump’s former lead counsel, and Kevin Downing, Paul Manafort’s attorney, who told him to "be a man and keep his mouth shut." Parnas said that he never agreed to stay quiet and that this behavior made him question what was really going on. He fired John Dowd that night.
"When I was arrested I was a Trump supporter all the way. I believed there was a deep state. I believed everything I was fed and I believed that the Ukrainian government was corrupt. I thought I was doing a national service. I thought I was being an American hero. I thought I was helping out," Parnas said.
Parnas perceived that Trump and Giuliani were trying to coerce him into withholding information related to their scheme to acquire Hunter Biden's laptop prior to the 2020 election.
At present, Parnas is serving a prison sentence, but is under home confinement. He was found guilty of several charges, including campaign finance violations, wire fraud, and making false statements. The prosecution contended that he utilized the wealth of a well-to-do Russian to make unlawful donations to politicians, who could potentially facilitate the initiation of a legal recreational-marijuana enterprise. Notably, the aforementioned criminal case against Parnas was not directly linked to his role as a fixer for Giuliani while the latter was attempting to persuade Ukrainian officials to probe Hunter Biden prior to the 2020 election.
According to Parnas, he possesses video footage of the former Ukrainian Prosecutor General, Viktor Shokin, along with Giuliani confessing that he never initiated an investigation into Burisma, the company that employed Hunter Biden. This assertion would contradict the repeated contentions of Republican members of Congress.
Parnas has also asserted that he has additional videos and text messages that could reveal potential criminal activity involving Giuliani, Trump, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, and several others. He has expressed his intention to divulge this material imminently but seeks to do so before Congress and under oath.
You can listen to the entire interview with Parnas that spanned several hours on Twitter Spaces via the tweet below.