I Tweeted Facts about Hitler - MAGA Fumed that I was Comparing him to Trump
I was merely posting Hitler facts without ever mentioning Trump. What Gives?
They say if the shoe fits, wear it. But what happens when no name is mentioned, yet a crowd rushes to defend someone as though they were called out? That’s exactly what unfolded after a recent tweet I posted laying out historical facts about Adolf Hitler. The tweet in question didn’t name Donald Trump—not even once. Yet, Trump supporters swarmed, accusing me of comparing Trump to Hitler. It’s a telling reaction, and it deserves deeper exploration. What is it about Trump that makes his supporters feel these parallels are relevant? And if they’re quick to see the comparison, what does that say about their own concerns?
The Tweet That Set It Off: The original tweet was simple and factual:
No mention of Trump. Just a recounting of historical truths about Hitler. Yet the replies tell a story of their own.
The Responses: A Case Study in Projection? Here are some of the replies:
@Brian_Eubanks: "You must really be desperate for content to compare @realDonaldTrump with someone who killed over 6 million Jews."
@StoneJAlex: "You’re a sick man, Brian. Everyone knows what you’re doing here. Stop sowing division with this garbage."
@Badbrothers__: "This is one of those bait posts that clearly is comparing Hitler to Trump based on Brian’s past posts but if you bring it up he’ll say he’s only talking about Hitler not Trump so you must think Trump is comparable to Hitler."

Notice the pattern? The outrage is based on an assumption—an assumption that the historical description of Hitler somehow applies to Trump. Why would they leap to such a conclusion unless they see similarities themselves? If Trump and his base were genuinely confident in his democratic integrity, wouldn’t their reaction have been to brush off the tweet as irrelevant instead of storming into the comments with fervent defenses?
Understanding the MAGA Psychology:
When confronted with facts about Hitler’s rise to power, these supporters seemed to instinctively associate the narrative with Trump. The perceived parallels—exploiting societal divisions, vilifying the media, demanding loyalty—are seemingly apparent to them, but no one explicitly made that connection in the tweet. By drawing the comparison themselves, they inadvertently validated the concern that Trump’s actions echo authoritarian tendencies.
This isn’t the first time Trump’s own words and behavior have invited comparisons. Recall his infamous comment that the press is "the enemy of the people." Or his insistence on unwavering loyalty, both from his political allies and his supporters. These traits don’t make him Hitler, but they undeniably resemble authoritarian patterns we’ve seen in history.
Adding Fuel to the Fire:
The reactions also reveal a key MAGA tactic: deflection and victimhood. Instead of addressing whether the actions described—scapegoating minorities, dismantling democratic norms, silencing dissent—are problematic, they attack the messenger. “Stop sowing division” or “you’re a sick man” become their go-to defenses. But isn’t it worth asking why the description of a dictator’s rise hits so close to home?
The tweet didn’t mention Trump, but the MAGA outrage says it all. If they believe comparisons to Hitler are so offensive, they should focus on ensuring that no actions taken by their leader could ever justify such a parallel. Instead, their defensive responses only highlight their own awareness of the troubling similarities. The question remains: If it’s “unfair” to compare Trump to Hitler, why do so many of his supporters see the connection so clearly?
As the old saying goes, “The truth hurts.” And judging by the reactions, this truth hit a nerve.
(Note: This is not a personal comparison of Trump to Hitler. Hitler was responsible for the deaths of millions, and there is no parallel on that level.)
Well... he did kill at least 100K Americans with COVID. And who knows how many more, since many went uncounted during the end of his reign of terror, and many have since died because of all the misinformation, lack of vaccination, the mutations in the virus...
"there is no parallel on that level" ** YET **
(give it a few months)