All of the above.

This is an extreme problem, so one single thing is not the solution.

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Which one of those poll suggestions is going to keep the criminals from getting guns and committing violence? All those suggestions do is hamper law abiding citizens!

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Oh stop it. Law abiding citizens do not need AR-15s, and frankly don't need unlimited access to any type of gun. Are your guns more important than the lives of your neighbors? Your family and friends? Do you like that children go to school and have to learn how to protect themselves from an active shooter? Seriously??

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None. Shall not be infringed bitch

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Well if zero compromises are to be had to slow this carnage down then what will happen is guns will literally be banned in this country when gen Z gets into power. The smart thing to do would be to make some concessions and actually work on the problem rather than just thumb your nose at the problem because it's a BIG FUCKING PROBLEM. And no I don't want guns banned in this country by any means they are a lifeline for protection for us in rural America but something's got to change. It's whether it's a reasonable concession now or an outright ban 5-10 years from now.

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"A well-regulated militia"...you dumb bitch, Deeznuts-less.

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A well regulated militia, by definition, since you are uneducated, is any one male, aged 18-45.

So there is that fact. You can also look it up under Constitutional Law.

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Oh you mean the amendment that was ratified in 1791 when the primary weapon available was a single shot musket? I'm sure our founding fathers would really be appalled by the fact that this has not evolved to be in line with assault weapons today......

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The best way to stop “Gun Violence” is by just calling it “Violence” and solving that problem. How do we stop violence? Why are people so Violent? I believe we have a mental health problem, not a gun problem. However we should have mental health checks for guns, but short of that we have a people problem not a gun problem. Say we did remove guns then what? stabbings rise 10,00% stop violence in general. DO NOT GIVE THE GOVERNMENT MORE POWER THEN THEY ALREADY HAVE

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100%, anyone asking for gun bans has no understanding of countries like VENEZUELA AND NORTH KOREAN OPRESSION

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Most mass shooters are in therapy or on meds.

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Then the problem is solved those people that are a danger need to be adjudicated in court so that they can not purchase, own or posses firearms..... that has been a thing for decades

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Oh, you would only make those people criminals.

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The fact of the matter is more people get killed from suicide every year than by total gun deaths, to include suicide gun deaths. The US is the only country that counts suicide by gun as a gun death, and a suicide, so those deaths are counted twice.

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There ya go, violating the Bill of Rights and Section Eight of the Constitution. That has been a thing since June 14, 1786.

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If you try taking peoples guns, just know you’ll end up sucking a barrel. Not a threat. Just want to warn you people trying to take god given rights away.

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How is owning a gun a “God given right”? Please point me to the bible verse where God gave us the right to own guns.


Christian, responsible gun owner, bible educated, supporter of gun control

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You seem to be under the mistaken impression that everyone who believes in God follows the Bible.

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Or that only "Christians" are good people. I believe in treating others as I want to be treated: with kindness, patience, dignity & respect.

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LOL. This guy really said god given right 🤣🤣🤣 what are the odds he's against bodily autonomy -a real life human right.

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The problem is not firearms themselves, but the mental stability of the person. It’s just like using a hammer, knife, screwdriver, a vehicle etc. it requires an operator to use those objects. A firearm is no different it is an inanimate object and requires someone to pull the trigger. You cannot control a persons mental stability. Yes firearms are the easiest to use, however crimes committed using a knife, hammer, etc have happened though. There are mental checks being used for background checks when purchasing a firearm already in place. Shouldn’t there be a mental check for purchasing a knife, a hammer, a screwdriver, or owning a vehicle as well. You’re thinking it’s stupid to do a mental check for owning a hammer, however if the person encounters a crisis and it messes with their mental critical thinking and that’s the closet object to use, what stops the person from using the hammer as a weapon. Or when it comes to drunk driving, why do people drive intoxicated. Firearms are the easiest to use and can reach long distance and can cause damage quickly that part is true. However there are over 400 million owned firearms in the U.S., if firearms were a problem we would all be dead. The real question is how do you control a persons mental stability, if you can seriously answer that question then you have the answer on How to stop violence all together. However you cannot look at a person and say that person is mentally unstable, you would never know. For a person to go from stable to unstable, there are many reasons: loss of income, cheating, loss of family, becoming homeless, job loss, etc. Yes tragedies like this are hard to deal with, school shootings, however you cannot blame an inanimate object for those as it requires a person to operator the object. Just like car accidents, or someone drunk driving, instead of looking at something or someone to blame, maybe start to figure out why, if can understand the why part of all these tragedies then you can start to figure out the mental part.

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My nigga

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None of this would do anything

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None of this will change anything. CRIMINALS, dont adhere to LAWS. If a CRIME is going to happen, it is ILLEGAL NO? Why BAN A GUN, and only allow CRIMINALS, to know that citizens do not have access to this weapon? You guys are what? 28? You all have not lived the ATTROCITIES OF SOCIALISM AND COMMUNISM. People from NORTH KOREA, and VENEZUELA, condem you young people calling yourselves “OPRESSED” … you will never see real opression, unless you continue down this progressive road of self destruction. Best way to countersct GUN VIOLENCE, is to IMPLEMENT MANDATORY TRAINING. To have more LAW ABIDING CITIZENS, own weapons who can DISARM A CRIMINAL.

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An obvious solution is, quit the normalization of mental illness in this country.

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The solution is constitutional carry for all legal adults who choose to carry, anywhere in public. But with severe consequences should the use them unlawfully

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Exactly they would not mass shoot if everyone carried!

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You forgot 1 obvious choice: Stop letting democrats buy guns.

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All of them. I'm tired of seeing shooting after shooting in this god forsaken country. Congress won't fucking act and I'm so sick of it. All that happens are thoughts and prayers when they have the power to put an end to all of it. DO SOMETHING YOU SPINELESS FUCKS

Kinda stretching here but I want the Second Amendment repealed. I don't want to have to live in fear of going to school or going out because some psycho with a gun is running around because it's so easy to get one. I've feared dying at school since I was SEVEN. I'm 13 now and I fear dying wherever I go because of all the tragedies I've seen in the news. I want extreme gun control measures put in place as well as the manufacture, sale, and possession of ghost guns to be a federal offense with high bounties. I want the Constitution to make it so we don't have to fear murder-crazed psychos having guns. But, I know it's impossible because guns are already too widespread in the country to really enforce it. In my ideal world, nobody has a gun and the worst we see are like knives and axes and shit.

One last thing, I know gun control can't stop criminals from getting guns because they're fucking criminals, but the harder access reduces the risk of them getting one.

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Your an idiot ! Won’t stop criminals! And it can’t and never will be repealed

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How can you critize a 13 year old who has lived in fear of being blown away since they were 7 while trying to go to school ? Was that your scholastic experience ? I get it an outright gun ban would be insane and should never ever happen but this is the kind of emotion that WILL be behind future legislators when they get into office. So we can either choose to make some REASONABLE concessions now or resort to the dystopian disarmed population in a few years time. Just fucking be reasonable and understand where CHILDREN are coming from. We keep putting kids in HIGHLY dangerous ADULT situations day in and day out and then simultaneously tell them their opinion is crazy. It's not gonna work like that when they get into power.

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Ban the pronoun people from owning guns.

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What kind of pill is this if there is no "none of the above" option?

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We already have background checks, assault weapons is too vague, mental health (who decides who is mentally I’ll?) if you take guns away from citizens you can look forward to much more police brutality. I don’t think there is any fix to this. Cheers!

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Mental health focus and eliminate the chance for reoffense. If you commit a crime with a gun, life imprisonment minimum. Execution if the evidence is overwhelming.

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I guarantee your side would rethink this position as soon as the results are mass life sentences for black Americans.

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Not me

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