I can’t listen to or watch the rapey felon at all. I turn the channel immediately when he comes on the “news” and/or I will mute the sound. He turns my stomach with disgust and disbelief that people can’t see what a conman criminal he is.
That is exactly what this is about, we need to know his next steps that are coming so we can better understand exactly what he said. Hearing about it from another source is a summary based on their own bias. We need to be vigilant about what he says. He literally tells us what he is going to do well before it happens.
I usually get a view of what the rapey felon spouts out on Meidas Touch or Adam Mockler or any other array of commentators on You Tube, Blue Sky or here on Substack. Believe me I am aware of that POS and his latest illegal activities.
Oh please, I don’t need a lecture on the rapey felon. I have payed attention to his conspiracy theories, lies and corruption for 10 years let alone what was in the tabloids back in the 80’s when I knew he was disgusting.
The people are now the only hope to stop this illegal takeover of the government by an unelected megalomaniac ,drug addled billionaire who is drunk on his own power and money and will trash the country like he did with Twitter. Trump fiddles while Rome burns. Mass protests, emails inundations of your members of Congress, defiance before it is too late.
I haven’t given up, but I also don’t feel I have a way to fight back that will have an impact. I think most of us feel the same way. That’s what leads to hopelessness and eventually giving up. We all thought there were checks and balances to protect us and we see now they don’t seem to work.
We need to start pushing the more centrist and independent Republicans in both houses of Congress, but if time is limited focus on Senators. Right now they are the ones who have the power to change the blind eye happening in the Senate. We only need a handful to break from the GOP pack voting we have never seen before. They are abdicating their power to TP which increases his and his illegally hired side kick who thinks he’s in charge! EM should be in jail for the many crimes he has committed downloading databases that he doesn’t even have the security clearance to view & his conflict of interest of approving new funding for contracts with his own companies.
Never give up! Fight, resist, push back. Every day. Talk to your friends, relatives, neighbors. People do not like what is happening. Innocent people are being harmed to enrich thieves who can never be satisfied. Sick people, the elderly, veterans, & hard workers are discarded with no consideration or concern. This is NOT what America is!!! Keep fighting and vote against every turncoat SOB that sold the American people out for a Damn Dollar!!!
They have been in all the State Capitols and Washington DC on weekends. Most people work M-F. Many work the weekends to with 2nd and 3rd jobs or Required OT.
I think a two party system has proven a dangerous one. When we here from across the pond look at your rallies, how the elections are played on the man (or woman) it makes us feel awkward.
POTUS & Fed/State Congress are elected to represent the people and our constitutional rule-of-law protecting the public from evil autocratic NAZI type Insurrectionists. If these elected officials are not doing their job, then the people themselves with a majority vote should somehow be able to override corrupt govt to amend the constitution voting for laws that protect the public, constitution and our economy from corrupt politicians, big businesses and nations who buy corrupt politicians. I would like to see the public be able to go online at a non-partisan hack-free website to vote on 3 new laws that state clearly the following:
1) no convicted felon can hold a public office.
2) any cult group that promotes anti-democracy (violent MAGA, NAZIS, P2025...) is illegal and vocal supporters can be deported with US citizenship revoked.
3) any elected official that cheats by spreading lies and disinformation or hacks system to steal election is removed from office and all policies & pardons are reversed (in Olympic sports, the runner up wins if gold medalist cheats to win).
What if Trump just declares Marshall law and appoints himself King.(Wouldn’t put it past him) Who or what could stop him. He ignores the courts. Presumably there would have to be a military coup to get rid of him.
He has said as much that it is his plan. “This is the last Election you have to worry about!” was a common phrase at his rallies.
The US Military has sworn its allegiance to the Constitution. Hopefully there are more in the Military that are not MAGA Cult followers who will do exactly that.
Unfortunately, the Military Leadership has also be replaced with individuals who are not qualified to lead and have sworn allegiance to him.
I pray there are enough Highest Level Military Officers who have attended one of The Military Academies and really understand exactly what the Constitutional Alliance is about join together to lead the Military in their Command to fight back with a well planned Military Coup to remove him and all the other corrupt high level Politicians and Supreme Court Members who support any attempts to destroy our Country’s Constitution.
We absolutely can NOT give up! These times are crucial.
I look at that ugly face screaming his hatred and the first thing I think of is, "Shut the f#ck up! No one wants to hear your crap!."
I can’t listen to or watch the rapey felon at all. I turn the channel immediately when he comes on the “news” and/or I will mute the sound. He turns my stomach with disgust and disbelief that people can’t see what a conman criminal he is.
That is exactly what this is about, we need to know his next steps that are coming so we can better understand exactly what he said. Hearing about it from another source is a summary based on their own bias. We need to be vigilant about what he says. He literally tells us what he is going to do well before it happens.
I usually get a view of what the rapey felon spouts out on Meidas Touch or Adam Mockler or any other array of commentators on You Tube, Blue Sky or here on Substack. Believe me I am aware of that POS and his latest illegal activities.
His actual words matter too. You need to know exactly what he says and no one else’s interpretation.
Oh please, I don’t need a lecture on the rapey felon. I have payed attention to his conspiracy theories, lies and corruption for 10 years let alone what was in the tabloids back in the 80’s when I knew he was disgusting.
Unfortunately millions of idiot Americans absolutely want to hear his verbal vomit, and indeed believe he is some sort of demigod.
Reagan's war on education has reached its logical conclusion.
I will never stop resisting.
The people are now the only hope to stop this illegal takeover of the government by an unelected megalomaniac ,drug addled billionaire who is drunk on his own power and money and will trash the country like he did with Twitter. Trump fiddles while Rome burns. Mass protests, emails inundations of your members of Congress, defiance before it is too late.
I haven’t given up, but I also don’t feel I have a way to fight back that will have an impact. I think most of us feel the same way. That’s what leads to hopelessness and eventually giving up. We all thought there were checks and balances to protect us and we see now they don’t seem to work.
We need to start pushing the more centrist and independent Republicans in both houses of Congress, but if time is limited focus on Senators. Right now they are the ones who have the power to change the blind eye happening in the Senate. We only need a handful to break from the GOP pack voting we have never seen before. They are abdicating their power to TP which increases his and his illegally hired side kick who thinks he’s in charge! EM should be in jail for the many crimes he has committed downloading databases that he doesn’t even have the security clearance to view & his conflict of interest of approving new funding for contracts with his own companies.
Never give up! Fight, resist, push back. Every day. Talk to your friends, relatives, neighbors. People do not like what is happening. Innocent people are being harmed to enrich thieves who can never be satisfied. Sick people, the elderly, veterans, & hard workers are discarded with no consideration or concern. This is NOT what America is!!! Keep fighting and vote against every turncoat SOB that sold the American people out for a Damn Dollar!!!
May I ask why the decent Americans have not taken to the streets?
Looks like there just aren’t enough decent Americans! After all your lot inexplicably voted for him. (I’m a Brit)
They have been in all the State Capitols and Washington DC on weekends. Most people work M-F. Many work the weekends to with 2nd and 3rd jobs or Required OT.
I think a two party system has proven a dangerous one. When we here from across the pond look at your rallies, how the elections are played on the man (or woman) it makes us feel awkward.
POTUS & Fed/State Congress are elected to represent the people and our constitutional rule-of-law protecting the public from evil autocratic NAZI type Insurrectionists. If these elected officials are not doing their job, then the people themselves with a majority vote should somehow be able to override corrupt govt to amend the constitution voting for laws that protect the public, constitution and our economy from corrupt politicians, big businesses and nations who buy corrupt politicians. I would like to see the public be able to go online at a non-partisan hack-free website to vote on 3 new laws that state clearly the following:
1) no convicted felon can hold a public office.
2) any cult group that promotes anti-democracy (violent MAGA, NAZIS, P2025...) is illegal and vocal supporters can be deported with US citizenship revoked.
3) any elected official that cheats by spreading lies and disinformation or hacks system to steal election is removed from office and all policies & pardons are reversed (in Olympic sports, the runner up wins if gold medalist cheats to win).
The media does lie. Power corrupts. People think they are special in life.
I will not give up my country quietly.
The Trump regime must be defeated.
He is a treasonous, felonious, traitor. And the republicans are all complicit.
What if Trump just declares Marshall law and appoints himself King.(Wouldn’t put it past him) Who or what could stop him. He ignores the courts. Presumably there would have to be a military coup to get rid of him.
He has said as much that it is his plan. “This is the last Election you have to worry about!” was a common phrase at his rallies.
The US Military has sworn its allegiance to the Constitution. Hopefully there are more in the Military that are not MAGA Cult followers who will do exactly that.
Unfortunately, the Military Leadership has also be replaced with individuals who are not qualified to lead and have sworn allegiance to him.
I pray there are enough Highest Level Military Officers who have attended one of The Military Academies and really understand exactly what the Constitutional Alliance is about join together to lead the Military in their Command to fight back with a well planned Military Coup to remove him and all the other corrupt high level Politicians and Supreme Court Members who support any attempts to destroy our Country’s Constitution.
Never give up!
Yes, give us facts!